Friday, May 15, 2020
Is Sports Just A Proxy For Politics - 1886 Words
Reid J Williams English-4 7th period 4/8/2015 10:01 PM Is Sports Just a Proxy for Politics? Over the past century, political agendas have crept their way into becoming the central focus of sports. It’s to the point where a sport is no longer focused on athleticism, but political views. At least five political issues that have been politicized: Olympics, race, religion, homosexuality, and gender. The political proxies in sports have gradually increased in recent years due to increasing political exposure and agendas. Female athletes were most likely the first to confront political discrimination. In the early 20th century, physical education instructors strongly opposed competition among women, fearing it would make them less feminine (Ederle). Therefore, women athletes were socially shunned for their supposed manly behavior. Even today in some countries, women are banned from sports. â€Å"The procession of the Olympic torch drew protests from Paris to San Francisco over China s treatment of the Tibetan people, but no one has protested another tragedy that is afflicting millions of women in Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Muslim countries. Many Muslim women dare not even dream of the Olympics because their countries ban female sports altogether or severely restrict the athletic activities of the weaker sex†(Al-Ahmed). Muslim women cannot even participate in any competitive athletic event because they will most likely be beaten and killed by their own family. Historically menShow MoreRelate dQualitative Research And Quantitative Research1675 Words  | 7 Pagesscience, but also in research and further contexts. Qualitative researchers aim to attain detailed understanding of human behavior rand the reasons that govern such behavior. 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We have done some evaluation as well, and I will phone you in the next two weeks. I think
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